Done until Barb nerfs
The ultimate Unit
Gear scores are just awful
Get your Golden Flair before sub hits 50k!
Drop your wallets
D&D Beyond Resource Sharing June
Everyone go take a shit and watch this if you haven't. Every second of it. Solid proof 2008 is still on the books and why it pertains to a stock I like. Scary shit warning.
On the way to understanding the FTD cycle theory (T+35+T+21)! Why did the price rise? Does this mean MOASS is upon us? - An approach for all new and smooth-brained Apes (Part 1: Understanding the basics)
Let's talk when GME will gamma squeeze and when stocks become the derivative to options.
Yesterday i bought a cat because i love the stonk💎🙌 @GME
What Are Your Moves Tomorrow, February 05, 2021