hello my buddy chum pal amigos
How I felt after getting the deserved perma ban:
What kind of Slap Battles related movie you would like/love to watch?
Cloud cosplay :]
Update opinions!
V.I.P jason chase theme (Fanmade)
Welcome back to totally normal
oh my god it's Bob
A Very Important Announcement
Sbeve art AGAIN cuz im now on ibis paint
Alchy is now on my friendlist! :]
Goodbye r/SlapBattles :(
POV: The whole subreddit:
CRK Drama again
This is now just crk drama
My response to crk.
(warning: ye ye ass rant) I HATE shed mains with a burning passion
Have you ever had a time where a survivor was genuinely dumb?
Apparently, theres gonna be a theme for Mafioso vs Nasharta!
Hello, this is another attempt back and I was wondering if i am even allowed back, Also can someone explain to me what the pedophile was? The onle who drew porn of alchy (I am TheEternalB0b so i am not new)
Yourself john doe needs special intros 🙏