I'm not saying he's coming but damn I am excited for it.
Can you still get the acrane s2 skins???
I got myself stuck in Photo Mode on God of War 3 Remastered
Holiday Giveaway Part 2 - Clone Blastoise [Giveaway No: 14]
Lf first page ft rest
i guess christmas came early
Offering This bad boy. Looking for lunala and Solgaleo bg or Other BG Shiny Legendary except Necrozma. Read Description.
Literally my 5th roll... Thank you Gaben!!
Today I learned that Marshadow has a trail on the map!
Should I max this out even tho it has bad ivs
Why are islands so expensive
Steps to Heaven?
Help gifting diamond Kil'jaeden to my son for Christmas...
Looking for what I posted and offering what I posted!
Don’t have Solgaleo/Lunala…Do I still Max any of them?
Offering Cosmog. Looking for nothing. Guess how many hours defending Gyms I have. Winner tomorrow.
My bf got 4 shinys yesterday and I didn’t get a single one. We each did the same 25 raids. So I forcibly made him trade me. 🥰🥰🥰
Looking for meta, offering 2016 pokemon
Looking for Trending Pokemons, Offering pictures. Prefer Instant Trade
Looking for shiny G max mons besides toxtricity and Gengar, offering below
Looking for 1st Offering Last
Lf: Picture Offering: Picture (Special background Necrozma)
Looking For Mainly Background Legend. FT Have alot more and lower.
Looking for Shiny Galar Moltres (below 1500) Offering Shiny Gmoltres Mirror (above 1500) + bonus