What KurU Toga is right beneath the Dive?
I will never build a keyboard while attending a Zoom meetings.
Too much shitpost
Best options with mouse alternatives?
Commando Horus
Up to speed on Band-Maid: A very fast primer
Just got them and they are so wonderful
uniball $12 pencils for $36
Anyone attending the 2/3 or 2/17 concerts in Japan?
Which Cosmo Marines Tactical Mover: Gamma Airborne Unit or Garuda?
Ex Core & Armament 3: Horus Edition
How do you practice?
Limited Edition lead cases?
Versaulter custom accessories arrived! Garuda Versaulter and Thread Versaulter in action!
Will 5kg rice bags be 5k yen in the near future?
My on-the-go "cloud" PC setup
MAPPA interview with BAND-MAID
Daily totem
First-ever non-0.5 pencils purchased: Some ORENZ.
First split ergo build, a Swoop
Japan cold/hurt way of thinking
Suica / Pasmo, Digital or physical card?
I think I have found my soul pen (For Now!)
New pal skins just dropped
What does every one think of the Aetherdrift full art lands?