What game instantly makes you happy no matter what?
Why are we so effected by games we play as children? Or will we looking back be just as affected as the games we are playing now we just don't realize it yet?
I've been feeling burnt out on dance but it's been such a big part of my life, I really want to get back to loving it. What do I do?
My money tree that has been really healthy, randomly lost one set of leaves. Is it ok?
What was a game you played as a kid that you still think about all these years later?
What game(s) should I play on my annual leave this week?
What's the future looking like for the USA right now?
Games that you think are good but not great, or Games that you think are great but minor issues prevent it from being a 10/10 game?
When the game is a little demanding
Games with cars, why is the gas not possible to bound to center mouse wheel?
Martin Septim (Obviously)
Decade and a half later - the psp screen continues to break at the slightest bit of pressure. This is the 12th time I'm doing since 8th grade
What was he selling? Right answers only