This week's 6.5 mutators featuring Viego final boss
Feedback about the New Update. 5.5.0
Decked Out 2 Restocking Items.
Does anyone abuse "Retry node through disconnect"?
The worst epic relic
Do you guys use a guide and/or planner for Monthly Challenges?
Champs star powers you would rework and why
If I could reasonably finish the season-pass I would get it more often.
nab:a terrible effect and how to fix it
50+ Flair Borders are here!
Reworking some not so fine champions: Ornn
My tierlist for decks I find fun
Lissandra's Final Assault
When your entire identity is high risk high reward, but your payoffs are worse than just playing Demacia units on curve.
Davebo's suggestion about how to change suppression
How on earth am I supposed to attack with 75 damage in a match...
A lot of hate for monthlies
So when do they add old champions
Question about POC champs
Why are people saying the 75+ quest is hard?
We need to not concede against Bard Mord in casual.
Champions and optimal relics?
Is it possible to beat daughter of the void with 2* mordekaiser lol
This German translation seems to be incorrect, as it says that all the stats of the unit should be granted, not just the power.
Which champion should i give 1 star?