Amazing Subtext Issue #15?
Scariest MOTW
With Gozyuger cast revealed, Here are the past Sentai Cast Birthdate and Year (by @Seiler555)
A.S Worlds II
GozyuTyranno the Yellow Dino
You got this Loid!
Gozyuger Civilian Form
A.S. Worlds
Megaranger blaming game (by @Kaede_1402)
“New Gen”
I miss when...
Which team has the best arsenal
What is the most unique transformation device in Super Sentai Franchise in your opinion?
Where do they get the money to build the mech’s
What's one motif you want to see being used in a Sentai show?
My original idea for a Sentai #1
Suit Tier List
Strongest Sentai Villains
Throughout the 50 years of the franchise we lost many heroes but we will never forget them.
Years Sentai characters were born to
Sentai season with the best fights each decade
Years Sentai rangers were born in
Years Sentai characters were born
Sozo Sentai MangaMan
My own OC Ranger team thanks @tozefiez9 on instagram