Kuibiwa through m pesa
Cabbage 😩
Extremely high earners of Kenya, what do you do?
Rise of Girls wearing Glasses & Braces
Why should a white photographer still think playing the ‘white savior’ game for personal gratification (awards) is acceptable in 2024?
wacha ni rant..Hii kitu initoke
You vs my dad visiting me in high school.
Bi-sexual Girls.
Men of reddit, what was the most obvious hint a girl gave you that you missed?
What’s left to enjoy in life after putting in 40 hours a week at work?
18K Skin Care Products Results.
Can we refrain from calling people ugly
Do you like your job?
Going bald 😔
Breaking Free from the Digital Echo Chamber
Things happen?
As long as there are Kenyans still sympathizing with Riggy G, we're never going to save ourselves.
What is that one thing you regret not doing ?
Received a call on a number I don't use
Pulling guys at odd times😂
Omtatah and the Presidency.
ladies hair
Awful smelly breath.
How do you navigate a midnight crisis?