What's the first thing that came to your mind when you saw my work?
Aunt Martha’s Pancake House
From the menu collection
Stirrups and risqué Chickens
Ladies'Ordinary Menu, Astor House,Friday Aug 25 1843
Ocean Views
Roy’s Drive In / Kansas City
I was 4 years old when Return of the Jedi was released. I spent my entire childhood collecting toys. I had almost all, but sadly, these are all that are left.
I made a bust of Darth Vader in Cel Shading – I tried to capture the style of the comics, did I succeed?
i found this on my dads garage, does anyone knows how much it costs????
Vintage NOLA
Die Cast or Die
A tribute to the legacy of Kenner Star Wars.
Something for the kiddos
More menu delights
Oddball stuff from the 70s
What do yall think of fantasy hotwheels?
KC Metro Menus
$1 find at the dump bin ooo yeahhh
1930s, a kid’s menu, and a Risqué “Leon & Eddie’s” masterpiece
$2.60 Cheeseburger? $9 Pizza? Menus…
Old Kansas City Pair
A few of my paintings, what do you guys think?
Much better