I just love our dearest queen Aggy 🤍
Blue Lock activity day (completed)
First 4 people to either respond to this or dm me I’ll be gifting an extra style slot, just let me know your Roblox user and I’ll add you to a private server
What am I doing wrong?
Should I pull for aglaea if I only have Sunday and not HuoHuo
What is the best randomized Pokemon you had so far
Let's Talk
It is genuinely concerning the hoops some may go through just because they didn’t like how Liam/Glitch handled things.
What was the point of this?
After many many tries
Misty hardcore this team only need help please
Pokemon Radical Red playthrough but i can only use Pokemon that start with the Letter S
What do these 2 do
What are some of the reasons people say the walking dead “got bad”?
Does this guy get ANY moves that benefit from the ability?
CRK Endless Strawberry Cake Tower - Tray 92
You guys think I can get a prescription for anti-depressants with this picture?
Should I roll for Firefly if I don’t have Ruan Mei or Lingsha and don’t have enough pulls for Fugue?
Anyone know where I can get a gif version of this wallpaper without the “come play” in the right?
What episode is the saddest in your opinion
Idk how good this is
Can't be too hard, right?
JQ slammed her desk for sure
kinda ironic that exactly they both havent come home yet
Are these good stats for my cookies?