Advise to all remaining Hitfilm users:
What's the deal with Defenders Of The Earth?
Would Mr. Sunday Movies win the "Youtuber Named James Rumble?"
I made two Weekly Planet Transparent PNGs if anyone needs some
Weekly Planet MUSIC
Do you think there is such a thing as “unfair” criticism?
Just finished the best of episode, and I can’t believe they slipped a Snake eyes review in the middle.
Something confused me about this scene. Tails has a ring in his pocket and everyone is very close together. Would it be a good idea to drop the ring on the ground? They might be able to get the keycard back. Maybe not the best idea but I’ve been thinking about it
HitFilm is Dead - Do Not Use It!
so i went to check if there was any new updates about the fd6 and…
How much did this puppet cost? I heard somewhere it was very expensive.
James and Maso are the same person
Picture of Maso being a Tram Driver?
When do they mention Dave Croulier?
I'm Making a Mr. Sunday Movies Iceberg. What should I add?
May favorite, and in my opinion, most profound quote James has said. Thanks to Raw Collings for reminding me of this from the recent Best of 2022 episode.
Clear Rivers Lives 😍
Pg 13 Saw movie coming
When was BAD SPERM started?
Joker Pencil Sketch - Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix (IG: @paradox29arts)
What exactly is the grub era and where did it come from?
Guess the horror movie from the letterboxd review part remember these
Have James and Maso commented on "Blue Moon" or "Blue Oasis"?
Home Alone gets a 6