My baby is due tomorrow, 2/30, and I need some name ideas
AITA for mocking a random woman's profile picture, all because, she made an EXTREMELY PERSONAL decision that has literally ZERO effect on my life, I just don't agree with her personal choice? - YTA.
Why the hell did 53% of white women vote for Trump?
My jaw dropped to the floor when I read this...
“It’s not your body, it’s a baby’s body”
I’m glad Shari’s book proved this post was a complete lie! The family didn’t do a single thing to help the Frankie kids!
Why you shouldn't follow up after an Interview
Pro tip: Anywhere you apply to, call them to follow up after you apply
“You’re killing BABIES!”
No, this is not satire. It’s a dead serious post.
Can we please require all “my dog is dying, here is my soon-to-be-dead dog on his last hour of life, now you have to be as sad as I am while you’re just scrolling cute lab pics” posts to be flaired?
Looks like an ai has more humanity than real people.
tHeY KiLlEd My GrAnDcHiLd!!!!
Derek to be exposed?
“Execution for those found guilty”
What do you think of Lila Rose?
More drivel from PrOMisOgNy
I don’t think I’ll regret my choice (personal story)
How did you pass the time in church as a kid?
“I had a soul” 🙄
Did it after 10 years
7 weeks vs 13 weeks
The cringiest job/internship posting I’ve ever seen
Struggling with 8ams
“The camera NEVER STOPS!!” yikes 😬