H: misc Bobby pin box W: 100 leaders
H: all mods ( except rangers unfortunately) W: aluminum, cork, concrete, adhesive offers
Be Careful who you trade with
H: all mods W: color bats I don't have (see image)
[PS4] H:vamp or quad W:bloodied
I have these and no idea how much they are worth
Misc/legacy toad eye and toxic barrel
H: a question W: an answer
H: Q E 25 Gauss rifle W:price check
H: Anti Armour box mod W: Quad mod or 5k caps if possible cheers
H: level 45 yellow bat W: level 15/25/35 yellow bat
Do sentinels mods still have a glitch?
H: Misc W: Leaders or apparel offers
H: all mods (except rangers unfortunately) W: color bats I don't have (see image)
I’m starting to genuinely believe G-Rolls in the wild are more common (2days)
Help: EN06 Farming with Pounders
[ps4] price check princess backpack plan
H: Excavator jet pack Torso W:200 leaders
Eviction Notice W - Any recommendations on legendary mods, and weapon attachments? First time using this weapon (Full Health Build).
[PS] H: Options (check below) // W: 5 Bruiser Mods
Just looking for fun weapon recommendations
H: all mods (except rangers unfortunately) W: misc item offers
H: all mods W: usa mask
[Ps4]W: responders set H: offers
H: 2 spots on infinite robot W: you to join