[ps4]Are sympto matics tradedable
[ps4 price check] ghillie hood and suit
[ps4] w:1 polished 4 star mod H:7k caps
[PS4] w: 2 bloodied mods h: 9k caps
[Ps4] H: mods W: leaders
[PS4] H: Mods in pics, glowings (robot, pig, Minotaur, GSBQ, GHB, GBD) Wasteland Lotto W: Leader or Apparel offers
[PS4] I have 40 rejuvenators send me offers!
[ps4]H:offersW: 2 rejuvenators 1 reflective
[ps4] price check princess backpack plan
[PS4] got six or so four stars and some other mods worth looking through (in body text)
[ps4]W: 2 reflectives and 2 rejuvenators H:look at pictures
[ps4] H: princess back pack plan W:2 rejuvenators and 2 reflective
[ps4]W: 2 rejuvenators and 2 reflectiveH: look at pictures
[ps4] glowing skeleton mask and costume price check
[XB1 Price Check] whats the best way to figure out the prices for these masks
[ps4] looking for a power armor build if anyone can help i die really fast in my power armor
[ps4]h:offers w:pounders
[ps4]H:mods W:pounder
[ps4]H:Mods W:tanky and unyielding mods
[PS4] H:mods W: 5 leaders per* rejuvenators(50) limit(40)
[ps4] looking for pounders mod to trade for
(PS4)H: Mods W: Glowing Mask
H: Mods W: Glowing Mask
[PS4] H: Mods W: Offers, not looking for anything specific