What’s the best dating advice you have received?
Anyone take them back after the Hoover and regret it?
Distorted reality and the stories they tell
I think the Future Faking is the most frustrating thing PwBPD do.
PwBPD Future faking
A partner should work with you, not against you
For the exes of borderlines
Reached out to ex best friend for closure - mixed feelings
is it possible to get through to them ever?
Anyone else dreading Valentine's Day?
You Were Never Silent, You Were Silenced (Reality Check)
Daily No Contact Thread - Day 031
What's the stupidest thing your PwBPD split on you/ flipped out over?
Why do i keep attracting the same type
it's never enough.
How does a good partner look like?
what does a healthy relationship even look like?
Walking on eggshells destroyed our relationship.
Left questioning my own worth after almost 9 years w/ exwBPD discard
Daily No Contact Thread - Day 030
It is just sad ….
It is normal to suddenly feel not okay with being alone?
How many times did they break up/discard you?
early less talked about red flags / phrases you ignored??? weird traits???
Newbie here. Help