What's in the pitcher?
Best caption wins
My girl turned 40 today. I tell her I’m the happiest man alive and she don’t believe me. Help convince her of that please!
What do these 2 have playing on that 8 track stereo?
Fuck Marry Kill
19f first impression
Saw this on this brisk 27 degree night
I’m old enough to drink 🤘
is my action too high for metal?
22, bored and I look like crap, please roast me Reddit
Ey up, everybody! (That’s Yorkshire for hello)
What was your first and last Iron Maiden concert?
How old am I?
Everyone I know thinks it’s too long and that I should cut it .
Be honest im bored
I have a birthday coming up. Guess my age
What's this for?
Hi, I’m Kyle, but a lot of people call me buttercup
I have no words. YENO WITHOUT A HAT.
Take a guess and I'll send you reward 😘
26 female
Bringing a kid onstage at a rally after two assassination attempts.
56, I’ve been growing my hair for 2 years, keep going? It’s thick and curly.
“We have Neil Patrick Harris at home”