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It blows my mind how little we’re taught about reproduction - what are some pregnancy things you’ve learned that others might not know?
Craving everything I “shouldn’t” have
Not opening gifts at the baby shower
Did you have gender intuition early? Were you correct?
Recommendations for switch to a toddler bed
How did you know you were done having kids?
What’s on your post-pregnancy indulgence list?
In what season (time of year) will your baby be born?
Best maternity onesie/jumpsuit for yoga?
First time making linzer cookies, do the straight edge or crinkle cuts look better?
I regret getting my Bachelor's in Psychology
Cancelling Bridal Shower Because of MIL
What children’s books do you just fuckin hate?
How much should I pay my friend for these cake???
Panic attacks when I think about giving birth.
Where did you go that you wished you could stay longer?
Why are relationships so fragile during pregnancy? Why do men leave ?
To owlet or not to owlet?
Drinks that aren’t water?
MIL doesn’t want to be called “grandma”
Partners who are taking care of epileptic husbands or wives, how you doing?
This was harder than I expected! Tips on how to improve next time??
How many people have had one miscarriage and then had successful pregnancies?