(rant) Actually quitting until reverse. Thats all
Honestly, I don’t understand why the instant shapeshift perk, which encourages shapeshifting spam, exists.
Can we talk about broken perks/spells?
(possibly) working on an RLcraft inspired modpack. Name 1 thing you dislike about RLcraft and 1 thing you like about RLcraft.
If you could add one qol change to this game what would it be?
How were you supposed to get dirt in ATM9 to the sky if you choose the hardcore island?
Let me buy a name change!
Last time I'll bug you rn, I promise lol. How would you sew the pockets on? A, or B?
Posting a meme every day till EA (Day: 44)
Dear Ironmace, From all of us who complained.
A girl swinging a bat at a piñata
Has anyone figured out the Chords for the bards song?
What does that mean?
And she's damn good at it.
Kurła synek
Well about that..
Super effective
Sonics returns to sender
Wish her luck boys
Very cool Usopp
what about me
Bro just living his life