Tell me your favorite Linkin Park song
We are gona get some cursed results.
Parents said I couldn't buy a ticket... Now I know why
Rate my top 20 Kanye
Asking your opinion every day about a Linkin Park song day 83: Given Up
Asking your opinion every day about a Linkin Park song day 72: Talking to Myself
Am I the only person who likes this album?
What song is this for you?
What shall I name my baby based on his scan
Day 2 of Getting Every US County From Comments
Delete one, keep two (assume no causation between albums)
Y’all fw my science folder 🧫🧬🧑🏼🔬👨🏿🔬
Name one Kanye song you find underrated.
Show me ur wallpaper n I’ll rate it outta 10
Honest thought s?
I’m done.
I’m tryna get my bro into more Kanye, what songs should I recommend him?
Which M&M gets aux?
Which one has the better beat
What’s a scene that can make you laugh no matter how many times you have watched it?
tell me your favorite game
Who is this character from your favorite anime?
Say a line from this movie
How the fuck do I talk to girls
name your favorite artist here and I'll give you some wisdom