Ah yes matchmaking
Are Lands that enter tapped really that bad?
CC Diminishing returns has destroyed baron ult
Has anyone solved the "My deck did it's thing and now I want a new one" problem?
If You Are Given Support Please Play It
Do people pressure you to play faster?
Unser Australian Shepherd beißt
I’m scared my mum will make me marry my cousin
Vulcan is coming out tomorrow.
New character of the week mentality
SMITE2 - Introducing The Wandering Market
What's the point of laning?
Suggestion: Big thing Smite 2 is missing
Smite must capitalize on the player surge!!
if smite 2 is a profitable success, the money should be invested back into the community (port over more skins for example) rather than fund other side project games
Hi new player installing smite as I type this and I got a few questions
Will there be a data wipe after the full release?
ATP this is just malicious, 140 negative reviews in the last 2 days which at least 100 are wrong information or butthurt reviews at max level, wich leave the game at steam with mixed reviews....
What Monster wants a Despair rune like this?
Ullr feels very slow
Smite 2 Making Crossplay by Input
Why isn`t too low level in S2 fixed yet? im literally 4k hours in S1, played few games against AI in S2 and still can`t access a game with normal people....
Ich habe meine Freundin betrogen – mit meinem besten Freund und Arbeitskollegen.
Did Com2us forget about Reflect DMG buff