USS Intrepid approaching an abandoned Starfleet Ship when investigating a possible infiltration of Starfleet
Ein riesiges Schwarzes Loch ist auf Kollisionskurs mit der Milchstraße
fucking. pig.
Ethan Klein threatens to dox h3snark mods/ users.
How did that person in your high school die?
VIP not given still
Faces Of Gulag
Wasn't SpaceX being fined by the FAA for safety violations?
Ist das nicht eine schöne Nachricht, dass wir die gelbe Pest bald nicht mehr im Bundestag haben?
USS Home One, The USS Home One, Federation strategic mobile command cruiser disguised as a hospital ship
Empire Size: Why not go big?
Shadiversity used to have a following. Now he has AI girlfriends 😂.
“Flesh sensor” on doors to leave building made me miss the bus to volunteering.
Massive Cuts to Social Programs
Do people dislike the SNW Gorn portrayal?
She started to rinse out her hair when soap got in her eyes. By the time she got the soap out, she wished she had never opened her eyes.
Can’t believe they’re already filming US tourism ads in Canada
Netflix getting more and more fun
Minimale Spannung am MacBook Gehäuse - muss ich mir Sorgen machen?
Me 39F with my 44M Depressed Colleague who has accused me of bullying him
This Asari's design is absolutely gorgeous. The most unique I've seen in the whole trilogy.
Can RFK Jr really ban critical medications and send sick people to labor camps?
Whats the point of having two indicators?
Wohnungsmarkt: Viel Leerstand bei älteren Menschen