Transgenerational trauma associated with epigenetic changes
My bf blamed me for being SA’d as a child because I must have been a “flirty” child
Lights around Venus
Found in my dairy cow colony
How do you stop waking up crying in the middle of the night?
AIO to my boyfriend’s response to my hysterectomy?
Fruit-fly type insect with mites?
Does anyone else feel bad for Shining armor? His wife, kid, and little sister are probably going to outlive him.
Unfortunately really disappointed with my experience with Dutch healthcare
My religious friend who has never done psychedelics wants to do 10g so that his religion can be proven to him.
My boyfriend 30M has a roommate 29F who is his best friend who has admitted to sleeping with her before. They are about to go on a massive trip for a mutual friends wedding. Idk how to feel? help.
Overheard my (M23) girlfriend (F24) advise this to her friend: "don't tell your boyfriend that you kissed that other guy yesterday".
Husband [37M] Had an Affair, and My MIL Is Begging Me [32F] to Stay. How do I trust him again?
"Human Kibble" Thread in r/NoStupidQuestions is making me think...
It’s crazy how much my skin cleared up after breaking up
The Body Keeps the Score: Has anyone else been unable to get through it?
Pet Ideas?
What can i keep in this enclosure?
My (23F) partner (24M) of 2 years thinks I betrayed him because I messaged a woman he was texting. Do I deserve this?
Why are you still staying alive?
Can anyone ID please?
Would it be weird to keep larder beetles? (Dermestes lardarius)
Can anyone tell me if this is a wood boring type beetle?
I told my mom I was molested as a child, she said it wasn’t that bad.
My (24F) BF (25M) just told me his biggest secret after 1 year of dating - is it something to be concerned about?