To all the new PS plus heisters.
Guys what's this about now
so I got payday 2 from a friend and it's 80 gigs for a weird reason which it doesn't even have all of the DLCs in it like only music not real dlcs, the game is supposed to be max 30 gigs right?
What heist should return from payday 2?
The new overskill system is so damn fun but needs a few changes imo.
Dr. Jack it
I told chat gpt to roast ado... For expirement
What's she on about
Hey guys when gears of war e-day comes out should the coalition put gears war four and five characters in multiplayer or keep them out of multiplayer and keep it classic?
Why do the goddamn teeth not change colour
Just got suspended from Ranked for not being able to rejoin??
Did you guys like Lizzie Carmine?
What's your biggest payday pet peave (PD2)
PCF working on eday
Alex brand in eday?
What's siege players' problem with girls??
What game won you over because of its amazing sound design?
People Can Fly Have Announced They Will Be Co-Developing Gears of War: E-Day With The Coalition
Can we please just drop the "starbreeze doesn't care" posts?
I'm not new to the fandom, but I heard now about the controversy that weird people are appearing in the fandom. Can you give me some context? I will soon delete the post when I know, so as not to prolong the topic further.
Gears 5 is the best single player campaign I've played in years!
Why is the Ado fandom getting increasingly more weird
Who and What is Ado
Gonna be petty here