My WIP survived sweater surgery 🥹🤩
What's a video game that will forever be in your heart no matter what age you reach?
What do you do when you feel everything is going downhill?
What do you call triplets when one of them dies?
What are the unhealthy/easiest way to diet?
How old were you when you got engaged and why?
What is your reason to stay alive?
I cuddled her until she fell asleep
Finally finished crocheting my king size blanket roughly 100,000 single crochets
My girlfriend wants to know what I would look like with hair. Help me out.
Stitch count not correct after increase
No fuel.
My first knit sweater!
Is this too embarrassing to gift?
To frog or not to frog?
What’s the most hurtful thing anyone’s said to you?
Literally shed tears
What made you smile today?
What is a lot harder than people realize ?
A gloomy talk.
What is something that you can no longer eat after watching how it was made, produced, or butchered?
Boy got most heartwarming suprise ever
Hey guys, my dog found a rock and now when we go outside he does this NONSTOP. Easily over 30 minutes straight and will not even fetch his ball anymore which he used to love. Is this cause for concern? I never seen any dog do this and especially not for as long as he does it.
Why did you fail?
This heart in a red onion