Had to read “After” in school ☹️
I got this when I almost won the musical chairs 😢 what does error code: R- 782 mean?
I will give away 30K coins to everyone in the comments in 24 hours! FUCK Reddit Coins
Why ML, when THIS woman exists
Ticket resale in Sweden?
What is the most common or weirdest misspell of your name that you've encountered?
What's one food that you cannot understand why people enjoy?
Can we have a proper Q&A post for international dates/general tour questions?
Taylor Swift Announces International Tour Dates
people imagining themselves in first person
Selfie, Inverted, Verification. I know I'm some-what lopsided, how bad is the damage? How could I improve?
Kāpēc nav vairs 6.maršruta
Which aot scene was the saddest for you?
Krievi Latvijā masveidīgi nomelno uzņēmumus, kas atsakās komunicēt krieviski [avots komentāros]
Saw u/GabyWinter’s post and realised I’ve listened to more AOT OST than I realised…