barotrauma with 3 people
Turret issue
Applocker policy for onprem AD group in Intune
Jaka jest wasza najbardziej pretensjonalne przekonanie?
Probably at least 80% of the animosity towards this game would subside if Crytek just fixed their fucking servers
I finally understand the Hela player hate.
Wish they would fix the split bug already
Rusofilia polskich autorów fantasy/SF(?)
When people say "Hybrid AD setup is a nightmare, just use AAD", what exactly makes it a nightmare?
OTA Patch notes - August 8
Remote Help tools
I have used 1+ Spotlight Cache every single week since they started-- here's my results
Oszałamiające ceny gier na Steamie w złotówkach
This was fun, might do more :)
When a new player FINALLY figures out what THAT SONG means
Magic should be available much earlier, but be deeply esoteric
PSA: Don't ignore fast upgrades now, they're extremely good to split the cards you want for no extra cost!
Daily Questions Megathread (February 22, 2024)
Mechanical menagerie
Warlocks, how are you feeling about your DPS and Tank specs currently?
Is this game fall under the 'cozy' category ?
Luźny wątek tygodniowy: Gry. W co ostatnio graliście?
My worst BFD PUG so far
So I lvl:ed up the Legendary Firefly Gov. Stone to Rank 10! And it's terrible
so far at level 52 this feels worse than season 1.