How can people hate Cecil man
If A penguin Kaiju was to Exist,What type of Penguin could make the most unique and Terrifying One?
Nidus should get a techrot skin/deluxe skin
Few hours of grinding "old" content with no pitty system, and still not get it cause tomorrow is work day and got to sleep -_-
New Ash is Insane…
The cheaters in ranked zero build are literally everywhere.
what are these playercounts😭😭
Atlas 1 My Beloved
Have we power crept far enough to bring back rainbow builds?
Lets stop the nerf spiral before it happens
Why Evolved Godzilla's energy is pink.
Did nobody else notice it's been 5 weeks of Archon Spy in a row?
Back to back to back rivens for this damn weapon
Weird snowman thing, but it's huge and the snow around it isn't disturbed?
What is the best Mechagodzilla design in your opinion
"I'm not going to buy the new Rhino skin because I'm not playing Rhino unless he gets one real ability. No, I'm not jealous of it and its potential fashion options. Don't print in your newspaper that I was mad." - local Tenno claims.
Your birth month is your Godzilla
A Recycled Metal Godzilla Statue in Atalanta Georgia.
The new Quetzalcoatlus design for Rebirth
Who’s leading the competition for the best music-playing glider?
What was your reaction when you first saw Wally?
Alternate Hexstyles exploration
I made my niece this FortNite-themed nameplate - thought you might enjoy it
Has anyone tried AG1?