Use case for buzz other star power
what could i have picked with the 6th pick in this situation?
Thoughts on this map I made?
Was the Frank pick not it?
Why did we win?
the best inbox you will ever see
And people say that they have the worst randoms
Max Tips? I’ve fallen to 890 trophies after being at 1000 and I’m actually close to crying (Sorry it’s sideways)
Can these players be permanently banned from ranked?
is ash good to max out for ranked?
Last balance changes were made about 3 months ago. No signs of new balance changes this month. The meta is stale!
What would be the best Gadget for Frank? Also what gear is better for him, sheild or health.
Discussion fuel: Maxed brawlers in Ranked
0 Elo gained after win
How to counter this annoying fella (outdraft basically)
Which team is scarier?
BSC Draft Scenarios #3 - Which brawlers would you pick here? Answers to the previous post in my comment :D
Is there a way to counter Stu?
Hyper or Gears
Please for the love of God rework Moe.
I hate playing with randoms
Can I achieve legendary, randoms only with my current brawlers?
This is like 30 min before I start my shift
How do you beat Nani on sniper maps???
What would you pick here?