What's the most poorly laid out neighbourhood in the city?
If the characters from Prison Break were in The Walking Dead, how long would they last?
Another game
100 dozen eggs, no tip
Profession questions
What’s a sitcom that got canceled way too soon?
What other shows are so perfectly cast?
What would you call the zombies?
Hope no one took this. About $50 short on tip
If I had to recast Negan, Charles Dance would be my choice
Only FIVE Tom Cruise movies haven't recovered their costs in the last 40 years.
Do yall like Paul more on bb18 or bb19?
Got this piece of work today!!
I don’t get Gabriel
Has anyone seen the 2018 Nathan Fillion Uncharted Fan Film. Because its not bad.
Does anyone know of any service that would pick up from Costco business cent and deliver today? I am looking for something urgent and cannot drive down.
Instacart thinks the naan dippers are heavy lol
Next flavor of mini-cakes?
Show becomes unwatchable once Negan is introduced.
Soloing Waycrest Manor: Can I Complete 'The Fallen Mother' Alone?
Instacart link to begin your journey
InstaCart shoppers
Name two different movies with one PG-13 movie that has worse mature content then an R rated movie
Costco price more than 2x Instacart price?
So... how do I exit a dungeon?