Non-Algorithmic Media Favorites
Khushkhabri | खु़शख़बरी | خوش خبری
$ support for Samay Raina
Play my handpicked Africa map!
A non exhaustive list of Portuguese loan words in Hindustani, Hindi, Urdu
I don't think there is a better place to post this
I don't think there is better place to post this
Hindustani Language WOTD - Baukhalaahat - बौखलाहट - بَوکْھلاہَٹ
Hindustani Language WOTD - Book - Kitaab - किताब - کِتاب
Is there a reason why the /θ/ in Greek sounds more noticeable than the one in General American English
After learning the backstory behind 'Czech Colony' in HYD, I was wondering if anyone knew why this locality appears to be named after Baghdad, Iraq?
Hindustani Language WOTD - Pareshaan - परेशान - پَریشان
Not faux Cyrillic but I thought his display name is read as "KYUNMEN"
should I memorize every european stop sign
What's The Best Farhan Khan Song
Presidential Republics overwhelmingly trend towards authoritarian rule
I really want a dhh award show every year
Hindustani Language WOTD - Kangaal - कंगाल - کنگال
Hindustani Language WOTD - Evening - Shaam - शाम - شام
Rare combo🇩🇪🇨🇴? Got my colombian citizenship last year
10,000,000 but every time you speak it sounds sarcastic