Medi$on- Come $tainz
What are traits you think some battlers have become really good at doing besides their primary traits, that they picked up later in their battle rap career?
This shit blew my mind when I was in high school
Did I make the right choice by abandoning bot?
All time post 2000 Lakers starting 5 if all goes well for Luka in LA
What happened to the hype over him??
Does Rappers Actually Learn Flows or is it an innate ability?
What is Nas's scariest song? Most upvoted comment gets added
Rimworld floors, why are you like this??
Nostalgia trip songs but you forgot how hard they slap.
Illmac vs Real Sikh has been announced! Who ya got winning and why?
Songs about mary jane?
Why don't we just trade for Wemby?
Dizaster vs UN KASA is a Virtual Battle....
Swamp vs John John Da Don announced for ABCD Battle League in 2025
Jamal Mashburn
Which is the "most powerful" first name in battle rap?
does anyone have the pad/synths for earl I need it
What are your favorite random shots by a rapper on a song?
Daylyt vs Rum Nitty has been announced!! Who ya got winning and why?
What are some great "grown man rap" albums?
If the four major sports goats, how would you rank them?
Straight Drop Battle League announces Rum Nitty vs Snake Eyez for No Cut on March 9th in Brooklyn, NY
Need help looking for a battle