If every job paid the same salary, what job would you be doing right now and why?
What would you do if your child didn't have any friends?
Hello what's the best way to stop cheating on assignments in college using AI. How can one overcome it ?
What do you think about Squid Game series?
Throughout history leaders and kings has been with in the battlefield but not anymore, with who did this cowardness start?
What is keeping you from getting off your ass, assembling a warhorde, and going on a conquering spree across the world, leaving your name in history and desolation in your wake?
TIFU by taking laxatives before a date
How has social media changed relationships for better or worse?
What's a lost art, in your opinion?
What happens when a tree falls in a forest and nobody's around to hear it does it make a sound ?
How can you sell drawings online as a 19 yr old?
People’s March protest on Jan 18 in Washington DC before the inauguration
3000+ Frames stacked on top of each other, to generate this Moon's picture
What is your superhuman moment that you’ve had?
Is reddit purging the NSFW communities and if so, what's the endgame ?
People in relationships, have you ever told your s/o that you HATE them during a heated fight ? If so, why did you say it & did the relationship last ?
What is a food combo that shouldn’t work but slaps?
What do you cook when you don't feel like cooking?
Qual è la più bella per voi?
Milky Way + Comet A3
Poco tatto per un povero senzatetto