Maybe the real stack are the homies we met along the way……. Because i’m not posting my single good cookie and rifle badge :(
Since everyone else is posting theirs figured I’d share mine too
Name (3) things you would change about your USMC enlistment.
I’m no roofer, but this can’t be right…
Am I going to hate myself for applying new membrane over this?
People who are good with TSP and finances in general, help me out please
Worst Rifle Range?
Guys that almost reenlisted
How many of you fuckers forgot to cancel your boingo when you got out?
Does this look fucked up?
Who didn't want to be a Marine?
Post them stacks boys. Give some stories to show how you got them. Here's mine.
What gig allowed you to skate the most?
Did the Corps help you find what you were looking for in life ?
I just got out an hour ago when is it supposed to hit?
Cool Find
I miss the old barracks with the cat walks. Barracks parties don't hit the same in the new ones.
Keep at it guys
Does anyone else enjoy NIN while experiencing heartbreak?
I found this at the mall!!!