Poorly describe an A7X song
You have 3 songs to choose from to show someone how diverse a7x is. What 3 songs are you picking?
Daily Questions Megathread ( February 06, 2025 )
Who do I pick and what team do I use?
Who do I pick and what team?
If A7X is your favorite band, who is your 2nd favorite?
Recently got my dream guitar - The Synyster Gates 'Dark Night' from a limited edition of only 100
Name a character that you wanted the minute you saw them - forget their power level
Name a band that you can’t get into despite trying hard and wondering if the problem is you because they have a big following.
Do you have problems with sleeping after experiencing paralysis
Best song off every a7x album
Does neck shape really matter that much
I need help to sleep
Screw Myers-Brigg, what Subnautica personality type are you?
How do I know if a guitar has a floating tremolo?
Guitar riff vs lick: What is the difference?
Wich A7X song is this for you?
Help me I'd her
Found my dog there
How hard is the nightmare solo?
1963 epiphone firebird?
Guess who my favorite character
What did you put in your time capsule?
New to subnautica