HockWCs auf Autobahnen
What are some odd habits of people from your country?
Graphic design in China is, arguably, much worse than any other place I’ve ever been
Product design in China is, in general, much better than any other place I’ve ever been
What is happening at Guangzhou airport???
Over 160,000 protest in Berlin today against far right and for democracy
China: When will property price eventually become affordable for the Chinese population again, if ever?
If you’re a foreigner, could your partner’s parents disapprove of the relationship? And how common is this?
Brasileiro não tem síndrome de vira-lata, e sim da potência fracassada.
DeepSeek : la très lourde accusation d'OpenAI (ChatGPT)
Notizie italiane/ europee
What do you want know about Taiwan
Tomar banho de chinelo é o mais natural.
Sono uno sfigato
Os chineses são mais fodas do que os norte americanos e a gente só demonstra o contrário por estar mais perto do Laranjo
Which countries do Chinese see more positively?
Ao contrário do que a internet prega, ser moderado é extremamente based
Abandoned Stage...
Is China racist towards black people or other color people?
Podem falar o que for do Lula mas ter um presidente que não chupa americanos é incrível
Found in abandoned farm
A hipocrisia infinita do feminismo extremista que odeia mulheres
How is China leading in AI despite so many restrictions?
Does anyone feel like there's a golden era going on in China?