Keeping up the writing
Opinions regarding a slowburn
Name for fair folk commoners
Very rare selfie from Marjorie (cycle 11) on her insta ❤️
How's the best way to create oc's as a writer?
Fuck Instagram
How do you come up with character flaws?
Keeping characters consistent
Is my car too loud? (And is there such thing?)
Pale as milk
What car would you NEVER buy, judging solely based on its name?
this bar i went to has one way glass in the bathroom
Give a meaningful gift to a loved one. Please share with me some ideas
Jack Skellington Creme Brulee
Took my girl to meet Santa!
Gifts for parents who "don't want anything"
I'm 50k words deep and only just starting Chapter 3, how much am I overreaching?
Reasons to deactivate social media?
Deleting bad content...
By sergnairaart independent studio, Chicago Illinois
Butterfly done by James jurado, at rebel ink, NYC
Which should come first?
Less millennial gray please
What do you guys write with?
It’s not saving my likes