Who is Abbie?
Call of Duty 2025 - black ops 2 sequel rumor
thoughts on this? will treyarch really pull through? 😭🙏🏻
What’s everyone’s thoughts on this?
I’m fully convinced Jrizzo hates BO6 zombies cause it’s popular.
Bo6 Richtofen Theory
Theory on the Tomb's Sentinel Artifact
you know you want to treyarch
Just finished the Tomb and I have questions
Anybody else wish this would have gotten addressed by the map called "The Tomb"?
Dude really got ate by a mimic aka “ Potts "
(Lore Question)How does chaos story tie in with the Dark aether story?
(Speculation) The Mansion and Serpent Mound -- DLC3's Native American Influence
Theory: Harry Stone is the only surviving member of Requiem Strike Team
Who is he? (Wrong answers only).
Will there be no more cinematic trailers for future BO6 zombie maps?
Is the Staff of Ice in The Tomb the original?
Short Theory
Question about old cod zombies lore
Did anyone else recognize these arches?
How powerful is the sentinel artifact?
Which Treyarch map is the most populated with living people?
The Tomb: Example of wasted potentials, and the lack of new ideas in CoD zombies
Am I the only one wondering that they’re up too or did I miss something lore wise why they haven’t returned or been hinted at
Okay, so we all had our regularly scheduled "This boss is bullshit" rant, but how many of y'all think it needs to be reworked?