Poor Pibble
Pretty obvious that warning people isn't the intention
I love my rimegepant
Man gets 6 months behind bars for breeding, selling pit bulls for dogfighting | News 12
Proposed Florida law to register dangerous dogs gains traction after 8 year old's mauling death. - "One dog owner said the registry would give certain dogs a bad rep. "My pitbull is the biggest gentle giant because it's the way he's raised," the woman said. "I don't think there should be any label"
A proposal to deal with the Pitbull problem
My dog was attaxked
Dog is a "neice" apparently
Whats is yalls opinion on this
The brightline train crashed with a fire truck in Delray Beach
These two dogs escaped and attacked a person before attacking a dog and its owner. One of the pit bulls was shot and killed by a driver passing by, Sierra Vista, AZ, USA. December 25th 2024.
"it'S ThE OwnER nOt ThE BReed!" - the owner:
Abrupt pitbull (wait a bit)
Today I tested the Ethernet Expansion Card - Expansion Card
Aftermath of Train and Truck Collision in Pecos, Texas 12/18/2024
Sent a complaint to TJ Maxx customer service and this is what happened
North Koreans report that divorced couples are now sent to labor camps for up to six months to atone for their “crimes.”
Is this a sub for propective parents and actual parents to discuss birth and child raising or a place for child haters to spew?
This is why pets, specifically dogs should not be allowed in common spaces where children play.
My family’s story, Pittsburgh Pa 12-15-24
Am I just imagining it because I despise them or do pitbulls smell worse than other dog breeds?
My dog was killed through my fence by my next door neighbors pitbull Oct 26 Jackson, MI
Update(s) on pits attack on 2 donkeys (Spring Valley, OH: 12/12/24)
Having trouble getting home insurance due to dog bite. Any help would be greatly appreciated
Dating is a nightmare
What are your thoughts on the drones being sighted in New Jersey?