RL1 No Hit | Malenia, Goddess of Rot
RL1 No Hit 0 Blessings | Radahn, Consort of Miquella
RL1 No Hit 0 Blessings | Bayle the Dread
My list of the most best remembrance bosses on Elden Ring
Which talisman's effect would you put in a Great Rune to encourage people to use those more?
Waterflow dance is fucking unfair
Fume Knight SL1 No Hit
Starting My Journey
need help from anyone who does hitless runs
Beat DS1, DS2, DS3, Elden Ring, and Sekiro. Where to go next on the humble PC?
Strawberry Jam Tier List (beginner-advanced)
Demon’s Souls 2009 may be my favorite game From has ever made.
My next big thing.
There’s a bonfire next to Fume Knight?????
This is so far the most BS boss I’ve faced in the DLC.
How do I beat Rennala of the Full Moon phase
I’m genuinely wondering as to why anyone would use fist weapons
Midir really makes me want to quit the game
Best way to start?
People who say PCR from Elden Ring is harder than this last boss (not sure if saying it is a spoiler) are insane to me
souls takes that i personally believe in
What was Miyazaki smoking?
My Soulsborne tier list. About time.
Is the fire giant mandatory for Jar bro?