Need Help - Stagnant FL Scores ~500 (Goal 512+)
What should I change for FLs?? Not sure what's going wrong
Studying in 2 months
3rd party resources? how tf do i study for this again?
Best 3rd party resources?
nvm I failed it
So what’s next retakers? (rant)
Anyone else do horrible…
Not sure what to do (9/13 score)
9/13 testers how are y’all spending the day?
Pls send positive vibes for 9/13 MCAT
Should I retake a 511
9/13 ppl how we feeling😭😭
Only a Few Days Left Until 9/14 MCAT: Advice on How to Prioritize AAMC Q's?
My answer to everything moving forward 😂
People - If you don't like studying for the MCAT then...
is Milesdown Anki enough or should i make my own.
Tell me every low/medium yield thing that you think I should review before testing 9/14
last minute orgo
9/13 info dump!!
Anyone know any good full subject videos
Am I cooked?
Admission Question
I fucking did it!!! I am so ready to be done! LFG!