Is it offensive if I get a ginger wig because my biggest idol had that as their natural colour?
Anyone else got the ocd where you feel the need to write up tiny small things because you're too scared to forget them even though you want to??
Anyone else have a fear of certain words in other languages because they sound weird in your language?? Or is there something wrong with me??
Young pictures of an ex
Någon som vet vilket keyboard/synth Freddie Hansson (Noice) spelar på?
Any sexually-related OCD is rough...frickin rough
Anyone else fearing things that are never gonna happen?
Are there any horror movies you avoid for mental health reasons?
What are everyone’s numbers?
Thoughts on Òli? (Hostel, 2005)
What's your current obsessions?
Is it just me?
Songs that trigger your OCD
Anyone that wants to listen:
15/F can someone text me?
Stage 4 melanoma cancer
F/15 söker vänner
I stole money from my "workplace" and I feel really bad, I'm scared of getting caught?
What's your favorite underrated KISS guitar solo?
Why is Louis mean to Frank?
Is "Saint and Sinner" the best KISS song?
How important is Gene for Kiss musically?
Vad kan få er att gå från bra humör, till ren frustration på en millisekund?