Dream achieved!
When is to many vectors a bad thing?
Magnified optics?
What to do when you run out of ammo
How many years? Most unique gun in your collection?
Does leaving the spring in the gun decrease fps?
EPM1s misfeeding paired with Maxx at pro and p* f2
0.28s going 20 metres max (65 feet)
Do you consider this blasphemy?
Best nub for maxx hopup
Ski lessons for kids- do they still teach the snow plow/ pizza?
First AR15
Nozzle isnt retracting all the way back sometimes.
Tips for getting a good instructor?
How many of y’all don’t use your favorite gun cuz it’s just impractical and If so what gun is it and why is it impractical for you?
Missing snowboarder found dead on Cypress Mountain
Extremely nice deck.
why didnt he call his hit, is he artistic?
Suggestions for a reliable 2nd rifle.
Propane Instead of Green Gas and Risks
What do you like to do when you’re not playing airsoft?
Krytac obsessed…
Mk14 ebr enjoyed looking for replica