Why does Tramadol feel different than other opiates?
LED lighting is a confusing mess
Reagent test not working on my pressed pills?
Only half of the lights change color. Are they broken? Or is it user error?
Found out that someone has made a well written Wikipedia page about the 'Borax combo'
Hi 👋🏻 i have these tv strip light .. can i apply it in my car or my room ? And how can i do it ? Thanks 🤍
Is there a way to safely drink ghb with high acidic values?
need help with led drivers (im a total noob) please 🙏
Quantitative analysis of recreational psychoactive mushroom gummies in Portland, Oregon | Clinical Toxicology [Feb 2025]
Abstract; 🚫 | Quantitative analysis of recreational psychoactive mushroom gummies in Portland, Oregon | Clinical Toxicology [Feb 2025]
I bought this led from temu a while back and was wondering if the kWh usage is actually the real usage
ritalin tested postive for fentanyl
Is cocaine more "pure" if sold in a more rock form, rather than full blown powder?
“I HavE aDHd sO cOKe DoEsnT WoRK”🥸☝🏻
Need suggestions with what to do with some Methylphenidate and Lisdexamfetamine I have here.
Having difficulty finding replacement led drivers for sconces that work
My wife bought these lights that were at the store since last halloween. The batteries corroded inside. Now with new batteries the lights don't work. Is there a way to fix this?
What type of bike do I need?
Wondering about the rules
Trump Acknowledges Russia 'Attacked' Ukraine But Defends Putin
How does one look up a business accounts info on companies house?
I need help with this LED, fix or buy new?
Taking borax combo with pyrazolam
Solderless Connectors Issue
Why does ket taste so fucking bad?
Why is my house cracking literally everywhere? Even after it’s been filled