Playing Pokemon White and I randomly thought of this
Could You Beat Your Profile Pic's Characters? If So do it in the Dumbest Ways.
I have 3 mains...yet my top GSP Character is Fucking Lucina
Waiter, Waiter...More Optimized Characters
Every day, a circlejerk sub gets outjerked, and today is one of those days
What Each Absolute Member of the Trinity plays
I have seen this with Star Wars, DC Comics, Marvel and every single nerdy property for the 19 years I have lived on this earth.
Anabeth being racist for almost 2 minutes
Who Would win in a Yugioh Duel? Izuru Kamukura (Danganronpa) vs Professor X (X-Men)
If we ever get a proper Justice League game, I hope they add a sonic adventure type character select wheel
We don't shit on Old Man Logan enough for the whole Hulk Gang deal
Opinions on the Rock Volnutt x Roll Caskett ship?
What Tim doing 😭
It feels good, they are busy tho
Infinite cosplay for megacon 2025 that I'm kinda super proud of and wanna show off :3
Am I the only one who thinks knuckles was kinda nerfed in Sonic 3?
Guys wouldn't it be cool if we got like, a comic about this Batman guy the Scooby Gang keeps meeting?
The Voices in My Head whispered to make this
im legit asking,does doomsday have any wincons here? (no offense to the maker of the image)
Makato Yuki (Persona 3) vs JOJO's Verse (JoJo's Bizarre Adventures)
As 2099 slowly comes closer and closer, do you think that Marvel will rename the 2099 line to 2199 or something like that?
The Life and Times of Richard Rider
Harrison Ford would actually rip me apart for this lmao