Notes from her live today:

•She doesn’t have very good control of her bladder and some gym exercises make her pee herself. - I had a feeling she wears poise pads. This confirms that.

•She says she’s signing on to do a reality tv show but can’t tell us what it is yet.

•She only reads when she feels at peace and she’s getting there.

•Her & Tori will be starting a book club 💀

•Said she baked some chicken for dinner last night. But then a minute later said her & Tori “pigged out on sushi last night.” Why does she lie about the DUMBEST things?

•She’s getting her nails done today and they’ll be shorter.

•She’s saving to buy a house.

•She’s not sure if she’s going to move soon or in a few months.

•She’s moving in to her house next month so she can have a quiet place to write her book.