I'm getting REALLY hard time making money.

I'm not a veteran player and you can consider me a new player. I want to learn why I can't make any gold in this game. I have a cloth/skinning farmer paladin character and not a single party invites me when I apply to them. I farmed Darkflame Cleft for a long time but with cloth prices and lockout of the dungeon, it get worse and worse. I'm asking every single group leader why I got declined, I wanna know why and take action about it and none of those people gave an answer to me. Everybody just ignores and doesn't reply any single of my whispers.

I have a herb character and it doesn't get me any decent money. I don't know if I farm wrong or something like that but it seems not worth it when I look into gph.

Please I need every advice I can barely afford my repair costs and I'm getting started to not enjoy the game.