Just finished the Witcher 3 in full, UNBELIEVABLE
Originally, I bought the game in 2018 and pretty sure I got stuck on the Bloody Baron quest where you fight the unborn child, amongst other things I abandoned the game for 7 YEARS 😱😱 (I was 13 cut me some slack). I recently broke my leg and dropped out of college so I needed to fill some time, it was actually while rewatching Lord of the Rings I was like “ huh, that game I bought years ago is kinda like this universe” and decided to pick it up again to keep me occupied and fill some time. I would now say “fill some time” was a understatement, Geralt of Rivia has enamoured me. The storytelling is incredible, I played through the main story in full then went onto Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine, the characters each with their unique flaws is unrivalled by all other games I’ve played. Since discovering this subreddit I’ve learned how many different story paths you can take which I didn’t realise just how many there were lol. This may be recency bias since I just completed it as of 30 minutes before this post but Blood & Wine might be my favourite piece of fiction ever, although not knowing Geralt’s background history with the characters of Toussaint it’s such a great parallel to see him go from a feared and oppressed (I guess) figure in Velen, Novigrad, etc to heralded a hero in Toussaint. Super cool game all in all and I’m looking forward to delving deeper into this universe in reading the books.
Ps. These are the mindless ramblings of a temporarily bed bound 19 year old with very little to talk about other than Geralt. Plus this is my first post on Reddit so I feel pretty strongly about The Witcher 3.