Text from Excel to PowerPoint

I posted last week about preparing for graduation (that post here) and that we need a PPT with the students names and photos. We have dozens of schools and hundreds of students at each so we need a quick process to do this. We used the photo album feature in PPT to pull the photos and the macro with code from last week's post to move and resize the photos. Our new issues is pulling over the student names. To make it simple we have the student names (first and last) in column A of the Excel sheet and nothing else. We only need to pull this one thing to pull over (everything else I created a photo to be the background that I applied in Master). I've tried using what I've found on the internet (I am new to VBA) and it doesn't seem to be working. I need A1 on slide 1 and A2 on slide 2, so on an so forth. Again, I'm so sorry I'm new to VBA. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Sub Names ()
Dim XL As Excel.Workbook
Set XL = Excel.Application.Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\******\Desktop\Names.xlsx")
                                    **is just to protect my private info**
Dim x As Long
For x = 2 to 21
Next x

Names = XL.Sheets(1).Cells(x, 1)



Set XL = Nothing

End Sub