Questions for the DEVS

I was going to wait til Feb 18th for the AMA, but I can’t wait any longer.

I’m brand new to The Finals, and in a world where there is not a lot of fun-entertaining games, this was the light.

But I’m going to say it: The game struggles with player retention.

The casual player is stuck in a cycle of hard and easy lobbies, the difference is drastic. What is your plan to address this? Feel like a lot of first time players get frustrated early, never playing again.

Quickcash is a blast, really great work. When it comes to the 5 player game modes, I feel like there is a lot of opportunity for player retention left on the table. Is the development of new game modes under way?

All that being said, I think this game is slowly rising to a viral level. People are talking about it. But if my friends are a sample size of the gen pop, we need a hook, and getting sweated on is not the hook we need.