Hiiii it's Joe. *waves*

Since I've been accused of having a Reddit before, well, here I am now. I know most of you on here probably don't care, but others on particular apps have asked me questions, so I might as well address and answer it here additionally. I have left The Anchored Lifelines. I closed that book and sunk that ship. Honestly, I was mentally done a long time ago. I've been with them for a long time. I even left at one point (Chicken Coop War) and decided to go back about a month after. That was my misstep. When I went back, it was never about Megan; it's always been about the community for me. That I'll give Megan credit for, for deciding to create a page that brought me the friendships I have now and new ones I made or thank you to Shou Zi Chew actually. This personal choice comes with no one manipulating me, recruiting me, or convincing me; this is my own individual decision on leaving. I can say that Megan has not done anything directly to me like she has with others on here and in other groups…that I'm aware of. I like to also mention that I only ever told her about myself, what I wanted her and any other anchor to know about me. Some details were also an exaggeration of the truth but in humor. My private number and address were never shared with them as well. I have my own personal demons, and Megan's consistent lives provided a distraction from them. However, the past month(s) it's been constant drama every day, toxicity, money grabbing, and less and less about advocacy. The things I've been a witness to have been quite disturbing, irresponsible, concerning, and at times even dangerous. I am a firm believer that when things don't involve you, it's none of your business, so I never inserted myself. Maybe that is my failure as a person. I'll accept that. I'll change that. But continuing to try and force myself being back there was a further detriment to my own mental health. I've been called a snake, a flip-flopper, a mole, trash, etc., since my departure. It means nothing when I have my truth and experiences. However, words are meaningless when they come from people you just no longer care about or never cared about. Opinions and thoughts from strangers are just as worthless. I don't give words or people any power over me. Especially when they are mentally dead to me. But even so, I would like to enclose this with addressing the Host of The Anchored Life Lines and any of her loyal anchors' “spies”; please don't give me a reason to show you why I kept my personal life private, I would have to go back to that ugly-darkness of a person I once was many years ago. Then I'll have to make anyone that REALLY crosses me, wish they never had invited me into their lives. Shit on me if you want with insults and tiresome jokes; I'll let you have those freebies, but if you truly want to f**k around, then I'll make sure you really find out. Leave me alone and I'll leave you to your existence. K-baiiiii besitos.